Our Mission
“The Association’s mission is to strive for sustainable health of people, wildlife and ecosystems by promoting discovery, understanding and transdisciplinarity.”
“The Association’s mission is to strive for sustainable health of people, wildlife and ecosystems by promoting discovery, understanding and transdisciplinarity.”
The Association’s mission is to strive for sustainable health of people, wildlife and ecosystems by promoting discovery, understanding and the engagement with knowledges that promote ways of living in the confines of planetary resources.
Serve a diverse international community which includes scientists, educators, policy makers, practitioners, community stakeholders, traditional knowledge holders and a range of other collaborators who share the goals of the Association. Ecohealth practitioners aim to improve the health of people, animals and ecosystems to address complex challenges facing our Planet.
Provide mechanisms and forums to facilitate international and transdisciplinary collaborations which include publications in journals, biennial and regional conferences and the promotion of capacity building activities which promote the vision of the Association.
Encourage the development of transdisciplinary teaching, research and problem-solving that harnesses expertise in a range of fields of scholarship (including natural, social and health sciences and the humanities), drawing upon and including multiple forms of knowledge and knowledge exchange.
Ecohealth research, advocacy and practice goes beyond classical health research by its systemic inclusion of social and ecological dimensions of health. Its theoretical foundations are grounded in complexity science and aim to sustain not only the health of humans, animals and plants but also ecosystem services and stable social conditions.
Ecohealth scholars and practitioners are engaged world-wide in searching for ways to improve human, environmental and animal health while preserving the diversity of the ecosystems of which we are a part. We are committed to action and to working upstream to develop solutions which address the root causes of problems. Ecohealth research ranges, therefore, from initiatives to prevent mercury contamination in the Amazon to controlling Chagas disease; enhancing water quality in river systems in Island nations, promoting early life health care of both human and animal populations and implementing strategies which improve air pollution, reduce noise and mitigate the negative impacts of natural disasters. During biennial international as well as regional conferences, progress in ecohealth is presented and discussed. You can become an individual member of ecohealth or join as an institutional partner organisation.
In the second half of the 20th century, natural resource disasters, like the first oil crisis, emerged following rapid population growth, unsustainable development and inadequate attention paid to the consequences of global social and health inequalities. This marked the beginning of recognition that the complexity of the interactions of society, or the human population as a whole, oftentimes produce unintended and poorly understood adverse effects on the earth’s system. From global through to local scales, life support systems require systemic thinking conducted across different academic disciplines involving societal actors from community stakeholders to governments. Ecohealth approaches call for a precautionary and systemic method of dealing with hazards. Such thinking has led to technology assessments, the creation of ethical committees, and studies on the health and social implications of development projects, including engagement across all sectors of society. Equally, ecohealth promotes approaches where the strengths and resilience of communities are fostered to create sustainable, healthy and just futures for all.
The ecohealth international students are highly dedicated graduate and undergraduate students from all over the world, interested in engaging each other and the broader ecohealth international community by organizing and participating online events, science and policy discussions, and professional networking opportunities, as well as in-person events at host universities and the ecohealth international biennial conferences. Ecohealth International students are encouraged to network on a global level and support ecohealth international develop in accordance with its mission: to promote ecosystem sustainability, resilience and health. The Students have access to:
See Student Aspirational Statement here: https://search.proquest.com/openview/3eed33b8b9df4041a7f35ecc5043317b/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=54560